Miscellaneous and Spoilers

Some pictures may spoil the surprises of the fan fics if you haven't read them yet. As of May 2024, the pictures have been arranged in more or less the order they appear in the stories if read in order of occurance.

See Ghostbusters 2021 And On for the res of the character introduced in "Future Shocks"

See Dragonsfall for Zandrik Fallagar and the characters introduced in "Enlightenment" and "Kyrie Was Here"

1st Lt. Carl Stantz, USAF
"For The Best"
Jean Stantz
"For The Best"
Lady Delphia Tesmihirus
"Future Shocks"
"Chronicles of Gozer"
(Descendant of John Spengler?)
"Future Shocks"
Phineus Eventide
Prince of Warlocks
Now's RGB#12, 17
"The Zodiac Imperative"
Spikorouleusdennum ("spike"), Male Hier to the Throne of Ceratel
Now Comics RGB#15-16, 20, 22
Professor Ian Chesterton Epimetheus
Mentioned in Now's RGB 1992-3 Annuals
"Pandora's Box"
Baron Igor Vashnivski
"Shadow of the Inquisitors"
Anatole Vashnivski
aka Sergei Kalashnikov
"Shadow of the Inquisitors"
"Shadow of the Inquisitors"
Tegan Fielding/Lady Persuasion
Mariko Fuyuno
Kreen Warrior
"Kyrie Was Here"
(Based on the thri-kreen
from D&D)
Xorak, Lord of the Kreen
"Kyrie Was Here"
(Based on the thri-kreen
from D&D)
Pollux and
(Eden and John Spengler, 2024)
"Gemini Rising"
Professor Ulforce
"Gemini Rising"
"Thirty-Five Years Later"
Robo Buster X-2
"Gemini Rising"
Professor Roger Baugh
"One Froggy Halloween"
(Based on a character created by
Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening)
"Thirty-Five Years Later"
Dr. Enrico Amore
"The Eye of Aretpo"
Martin Anderson
"Born To the Purple"
Lisa Jane Cadonfloyd Anderson (Deceased)
"The Monster of Lungbarrow"
Clarice LaMarche
"The Werewolf of Notre-Dame"
Dr. Edward Sanders
"A Different Kind of Hero"
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