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PostPosted: January 5th, 2022, 10:57 am 
I Have No Life
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This is the deleted scene.

And if you're curious:
I didnt post my opinion after seeing this movie, but I hated it.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: January 5th, 2022, 1:31 pm 
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ghostdiva wrote:

Thanks for that.

"Grandma Lillian" I may have to use that somewhere. Should that be Grandma Melnitz or Grandma Brandenburg? Hmm...

And if you're curious:
I didnt post my opinion after seeing this movie, but I hated it.

Any particular reasons beside the obvious?


PostPosted: January 5th, 2022, 2:03 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

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And if you're curious:
I didnt post my opinion after seeing this movie, but I hated it.

Any particular reasons beside the obvious?

Isn't that enough? :roll: Ray's attitude and the lack of backstory was also very offputting. I dont want to get on here and ruin everyone's mood, but I don't like this movie. I'd rather see 2016. It's just not how my Ghostbusters would play out. Not a movie for me.

For what it's worth, Phoebe is the one thing I like. I just dont like her origin story or her name. But she is a precious mini Egon and I wish I could pluck her out and put her in a decent film.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: January 5th, 2022, 3:59 pm 
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ghostdiva wrote:
Ray's attitude and the lack of backstory was also very offputting.

Fair enough. I had some problems with Ray's portrayal myself.

I dont want to get on here and ruin everyone's mood, but I don't like this movie. I'd rather see 2016. It's just not how my Ghostbusters would play out. Not a movie for me.

You're in the one place that hating GBA isn't going to get you ostracized; there's been more criticism on GBFans than I ever expected, but still, yeah, I haven't even linked to my snarky review over there.

I obviously enjoyed GBA more than even I expected to, but yeah, it's not the "real" future of the Ghostbusters to me either.

For what it's worth, Phoebe is the one thing I like. I just dont like her origin story or her name. But she is a precious mini Egon and I wish I could pluck her out and put her in a decent film.

Lol...I'll have to make sure Eden's kids are more to your liking.


PostPosted: January 6th, 2022, 9:10 am 
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And now there's been some stuff said at GBFans that's making me mad at this movie again...

mrmichaelt wrote:
Summoning the Spirit special feature

-0:55: Bts of mid credit tag, Dana at front door with Janine.

-1:07: Bts of final battle, Annie talking to Jason.

-1:30: Bts of mid credit tag, Dana, Peter, and Janine in room seen in tag

-1:50: Bts of final battle, Janine on porch of Farmhouse

So I believe Janine found the electro-shocker, maybe when she talked to Callie at the Farmhouse, and delivered it Dana as a gift then left and Dana tried it out on Peter in the mid credit tag.

Wonder why they cut Janine out of the finale. Would have been nice for Janine and Ghost Egon to have a moment, too.

Especially this one:

-1:50: Bts of final battle, Janine on porch of Farmhouse

Some of this all sounds like they filmed some material in earlier drafts/cuts where Janine played a big role in getting the other three Ghostbusters back together. Yeah, I can see it being totally in character for her to storm off to New York to start beating down some doors and saying "No, THIS time you're going to listen!!! Egon's gone and isn't able to talk some sense into you jerks, but I swore that the last thing I will ever get to do for the man is to get you to fucking listen!!!"

(I already headcanonned her forcefully knocking on the door of Ray's Occult about six second after Ray's call with Phoebe was cut off, and her saying something a lot like the above)

And of course what mrmichealt said:

Would have been nice for Janine and Ghost Egon to have a moment, too.

It's frustrating that it sounds like they were working on a movie that would have been a lot better for the character than the one we got.


PostPosted: January 6th, 2022, 12:19 pm 
I Have No Life
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Well, that deleted scene should have been in the finished film. Jeez. Why the hell take that out? It sets up the end of credits sequence and helps to flesh out things a bit more. It even makes Janine and Callie look like mother and daughter, which they should have been in the first place…

Okay, so now some time has passed and after re-watching the first two movies and knowing what happens in Afterlife, I just feel like there really needs to be some explaining of Egon and Callie’s backstory.

It's funny, because I'm reading conversations on other boards and social media where people want more of the OG busters in Afterlife deleted scenes because they didn't get enough screentime, and yet all I'm thinking about is Egon's backstory and how the hell the main premise of Afterlife even came about.

When you watch the first two movies, out of ALL the four guys, Egon is the last one you'd think would have a wife and child hidden away somewhere. GB2 hits so differently now, and it's just because of Egon. When you compare Venkman's behaviour to Egon's in GB2, knowing now that Egon is a father while Peter isn't but is trying to be just makes it seem like there's this massive plot hole that needs to be filled somehow.

Egon's always been a little quirky, sure. Trying to drill a hole through his head, wanting to experiment on people's brain tissue, etc. But when it comes to his own offspring, he just wants to document her progress from afar with some photos? Not very scientific, right? And for her own educational progress, when he could impart some of his big brain knowledge on her, he just... doesn't. He's not even interested. Most parents want their kids to be better than they were and achieve greater things than they ever could. I'd imagine a scientist as dedicated as Egon would have wanted that, and more. But in Afterlife it just isn't so.

There are some sympathetic theories out there as to why Egon couldn't have a relationship with his daughter - maybe his ex wanted nothing to do with him (although it makes little sense as to why she'd be sending him personal photos of her if that were the case), maybe his ex died young and her family raised Callie (which means that he left Callie for her extended family to care for rather her rather than taking care of his child who's lost her mother), but it's all a bit hand-wavy when this is fundamentally the premise of Afterlife and really it needs to make sense to all of the fans who have been following the character for 30-plus years.

Taking Afterlife as fact, you've got to re-assess the character of Egon completely and wonder about the man's motivations during both earlier films (and the cartoons and comics, etc.) During all that time, he never really came across as a jerk, but now that's what we've got to think of him as for Afterlife to work.

Then there's his behaviour between the events of GB2 & GB:Afterlife, when he seems to have just lost the plot completely. Again, from GB1 & GB2 we have seen moments where he is passionate, angry, frustrated, and yet he’s never completely lost it. I suppose having Ray not believe his theories might have pushed him over the edge, but to completely cut himself off like that when he must have known he couldn’t do it all on his own…

Speaking of which, how the hell did he do it all on his own? Didn’t Ray do all the engineering of the equipment while Egon did the theoretical stuff? How did he make all that equipment without Ray’s assistance? Doesn’t that make Ray a bit redundant in the ghostbusters world?

And then there’s Janine – the one person out of all of them who Egon trusted to know where he was, to check in on him, to deal with things when it all went south, and to contact his daughter in the event of his death (which means that Egon knew his daughter’s phone number the whole time and didn’t try and contact her).

But he never married her. Their relationship is still a mystery, although it’s pretty obvious they had something going on. Canonically they had a relationship, but what that relationship entailed, how long it lasted and when it began nobody knows. Was it an affair? Was he still married? Did they break up before GB2? Did they get back together after GB2? Did they have any secret kids?

Yeah, I’m joking there… But partly not. Janine expressed a desire for children in GB2. We know Winston and Egon had kids, and I’m assuming Peter is Oscar’s step-dad, but what about Janine? She wanted kids but didn’t have any?

Seriously, if this movie was meant to be a love letter for the fans, I’m wondering if they were talking about the fans of something else, because what fits in the previous ghostbusters universe doesn’t fit in Afterlife.

Fritz wrote:
I obviously enjoyed GBA more than even I expected to, but yeah, it's not the "real" future of the Ghostbusters to me either.

Me neither. There are waay too many unanswered questions for this to be any kind of satisfactory sequel. The film doesn’t do what it’s meant to, which is to allow the fans to move on from the originals. We’re still left with unanswered questions which is holding us back. It was meant to be passing the torch, not passing on a matchstick.

Who was Egon’s wife? What sort of business did Winston start? What happened to Oscar? Why didn’t Ray believe Egon? Questions linger about the original guys when we are supposed to be closing the book on the OG's and starting fresh with a new team.

I've been thinking of GB2 and the way it reintroduced all of the characters, and what GB2 did that Afterlife didn't was show, not tell. We saw the jaded lifestyle of Venkman as he worked his talk show. We saw the efforts of Ray and Winston in keeping the concept of Ghostbusters alive. We saw Egon's work studying human emotions in the Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research. We saw Ray working at Ray’s Occult. We could easily fill the blanks between GB1 & GB2 because was saw glimpses of their lives post-GB1 and it all fit with their characters. It worked.

A rushed phone call to fill in the 30-year gap between GB2 & Afterlife just doesn’t cut it, especially when Afterlife changes the backstory of one of the original characters.

I’m wondering if any further sequel will attempt to right some of this. Maybe they took out the scene ghostdiva linked to because they want to make Janine more of a motherly/grandmotherly type in the sequel. Maybe she’ll be the one to fill in some of Egon’s backstory to Callie and Phoebe. Maybe we’ll see more of Winston’s business and children. Maybe they’ll cast Oscar and he’ll turn up, and maybe Ray will expand on why he didn’t believe Egon. Maybe we’ll see what Oliver Cooper had filmed for Afterlife in its sequel.

ghostdiva wrote:
For what it's worth, Phoebe is the one thing I like. I just dont like her origin story or her name. But she is a precious mini Egon and I wish I could pluck her out and put her in a decent film.

I think Phoebe and Podcast were just perfect. Trevor didn’t really make much of an impression.

I do think there was a decent film in there somewhere. It needed some tweaks, some show not tell, some original antagonists and Callie should have been Egon and Janine’s daughter. The dynamic between Janine and Callie is right there in that deleted scene – mother and daughter, and grandmother to Phoebe and Trevor. She acts like part of the Spengler family. She should have been. It would have made Callie’s character a lot less grating if she’d had this relationship with her mother and made her story more of a ‘picking up where dad left off’ rather than a ‘I hate everything about my dad’.

Fritz wrote:
-1:50: Bts of final battle, Janine on porch of Farmhouse

I figured Janine was somewhere in the final battle when I saw the end-of-filming photograph which had Annie in it standing next to the body double of Egon. She was obviously on set to have been in that photo. But seeing that scene of her looking at what I assume is Egon’s Ghost… wow. Her expression is just... oh, my gosh. That’s a “goodbye, my love”. Wow. :(

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: January 6th, 2022, 1:49 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

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Nikki, thank you for vocalizing everything I feel! I dont know how you can read my mind... but YES to ALL of that!!!!

And with that last video, yes I'm pissed off even more now. Why exclude it? It also explains why Annie had top billing, but they cut all of her scenes.

I am glad to know she was there to see Egon dissipate.

I really hate this movie. I'm frustrated to tears. It was literally RUGGT THERE, and they missed.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: January 7th, 2022, 11:19 am 
I Have No Life
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Mrmichaelt on GBFans managed to answer at least one of the questions I posed earlier from Eric from GhostCorps:
7. What was Oliver Cooper's role in the movie?

Eric: He was a security guard in Walmart, it was unfortunately cut.

Does anyone else think that he’s underselling that role a little bit?

So, hear me out on this one. Normally, a rather insignificant role as security guard would be played by an unknown actor or an extra, I’d have thought. So why would a guy with a strong physical resemblance to Egon be playing someone as insignificant as a security guard in the Walmart scenes?

Oliver Cooper was born in 1989. Same year as GB2 came out. We’ve already seen that Janine had a much larger role than is seen in the final finished movie.

Does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, Egon and Janine did have a child together after GB2, and that he’s living in Oklahoma, maybe working as a security guard, keeping a vague eye on the situation just as his mother is, and when he sees what’s happening with the terror dog he calls up Janine to let her know that there’s something strange in the neighbourhood? Maybe that’s when she starts getting in touch with the others and rounding them up to get back to work…

Just a theory.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: January 7th, 2022, 1:56 pm 
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nikki wrote:
Mrmichaelt on GBFans managed to answer at least one of the questions I posed earlier from Eric from GhostCorps:
7. What was Oliver Cooper's role in the movie?

Eric: He was a security guard in Walmart, it was unfortunately cut.

Does anyone else think that he’s underselling that role a little bit?

So, hear me out on this one. Normally, a rather insignificant role as security guard would be played by an unknown actor or an extra, I’d have thought. So why would a guy with a strong physical resemblance to Egon be playing someone as insignificant as a security guard in the Walmart scenes?

Oliver Cooper was born in 1989. Same year as GB2 came out. We’ve already seen that Janine had a much larger role than is seen in the final finished movie.

Does anyone else think that maybe, just maybe, Egon and Janine did have a child together after GB2, and that he’s living in Oklahoma, maybe working as a security guard, keeping a vague eye on the situation just as his mother is, and when he sees what’s happening with the terror dog he calls up Janine to let her know that there’s something strange in the neighbourhood? Maybe that’s when she starts getting in touch with the others and rounding them up to get back to work…

Just a theory.

Probably not. But that's going to me my headcanon in the GBA universe now. Until the next movie wrecks it, anyway :lol:


PostPosted: January 9th, 2022, 1:22 pm 
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God, could you imagine what this film would have been like if they’d actually cast Cooper as Egon and Janine’s son?

He could have been a serious scientist-type, not believing or respecting his father’s previous work as a ghostbuster – like Egon’s Uncle Cyrus in RGB. Egon’s death, his inheriting the farmhouse and the events in Summerville would have made him re-evaluate his life.

He could have been the kind of father who gave his work priority over his kids – similar to the way Callie describes (not) being brought up by Egon. His focus could be on what he calls ‘real’ science, not the ‘mumbo-jumbo’ of ‘fake’ science of ghosts and ghostbusting.

Callie could have been his bemused wife, wondering exactly why she’s married into this strange family. Trevor could have been the teenager rebelling against his father’s strict demands (or maybe Egon's son could be Trevor’s step-dad). Phoebe would have been much the same character as she is now, but more open to the idea of ghostbusting than her father was.

Janine would have had the same dynamic with Callie and the kids as she does in the deleted scenes and would be more than a little frustrated with her son who doesn’t believe in the importance of his Dad’s work.

It might have been a little bit funnier with all these different characters, some of them trying to ignore what is obviously happening around them while others are fully embracing the ghostbusting life. Grooberson could have been a legit ghostbusters fanboy, getting all involved with everything, desperate to throw on a proton pack, similar to Louis. Maybe has a bit of a crush on Callie, to Egon's son's dismay.

The end would have been much the same, but how kick-ass would it have been if Egon’s lookalike son would have also joined in, blasting away with a slow smile appearing on his face as he becomes a big kid again, realising that it’s kind of fun to be a ghostbuster!

It sets up a sequel where Egon is represented by Cooper's character – so you’ve still got the brains behind the equipment and the main members of the next generation of ghostbusters are adults, and in the sequel Cooper's character could have been training Phoebe and Trevor to carry on ghostbusting after him...

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: February 15th, 2022, 2:52 pm 
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PostPosted: March 16th, 2022, 5:19 pm 
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Today's Bizarro:


He went on to answer an Afterlife casting call for Minipufts. :lol:


PostPosted: March 22nd, 2022, 7:28 am 
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I'm a bit late to the party, but I agree with most of the points on the Honest Trailers vid. 

I know people are going to think I've got beef with the film just because of Egon and Janine, but funnily enough that's one of the things that hasn't really bugged me about it. I'm okay with the way they've dealt with that relationship. It's one of the least irritating things about the film. What confounds me more are some of the other choices they made and why they made them. They had a whole two years to mull this movie over after the delayed release and plenty of time to change things - integrate different things and switch it up a little. 

Jason's motive was to continue the legacy of his father in making this film - so surely it would be better to broaden the scope of the Ghostbusters universe so that his father's legacy will continue through the ages. Then there would be plenty of opportunities not just for future films/cartoons/comics that Jason would want to be a part of, but it would also free some of it up for other creators to take and run with. 

Something that I'd thought about recently is a prequel in the form of either a comic book or a cartoon series about the years from GB2 to Afterllife, and what that would possibly involve. Afterlife doesn't specify how long Ghostbusters continued after the events of GB2 and it's eventual disbanding, but for some of that time it looks like it was a breaking-up-of-the-band kind of thing where Egon just loses it and alienates everyone else. To me that seems a little restrictive for other creators to deal with if they want a cartoon or comic prequel to GB:Afterlife. However, if Ghostbusting had continued as a down-low type of operation through the years from GB2 to Afterlife, with all sorts of goings on in New York and Egon and Ray working slowly together on whatever was brewing down in Oklahoma, well that's opened everything wide up, hasn't it? 

There won't be an opportunity for creators to bring in Callie's character in a prequel either, which is a shame. But if Callie was Egon and Janine's daughter, we could have had an opportunity to see them both as parents and ghostbusters. It would be kind of reflective of the way some of the fans of Ghostbusters are now parents and introducing their kids to the world of Ghostbusters. As it is, Callie's backstory is so far removed from Ghostbusters that it doesn't really seem worth exploring unless you want to know who her mother was, and that question won't be enough to run through an entire spin-off comic/cartoon series. I just wonder why they didn't seem to consider the possibilities for spin-offs and the continuation of this property into the future while they were making Afterlife?

Of course there's always an opportunity for a sequel to Afterlife, but the film could have done more to set something up to get fans really excited about. Not just a flashing light on an ECU, but a growing menace that is hinted at in the very first few moments of the movie and then referenced again mid-way through. Some unfinished business that the guys had only just discovered before Egon's passing, or something that Egon himself had found and left a cryptic note or warning about. Something that will get the message boards and fansites buzzing about what's coming next. At the moment, it looks as if the talk about Afterlife on the fansites has mainly fizzled out. We were still talking about Ghostbusters and GB2 (and ATC) years after they were released, but the discussion about Afterlife seems to have largely faded only four months after its release. 

I just wish the team had been a bit braver in bringing some originality to Afterlife. I just can't fathom why they didn't bring something new to the pot - not just the new characters, but some new mythos to expand the universe like the comics and cartoons did. They could have brought a whole new deity into the mix and set up a new antagonist that is revisited in future cartoons and comics just as Gozer was from GB1. 

I mean, it's obvious Ghostbusters is nowhere near Marvel-level of spin-off & prequel/sequel territory, but I was thinking that at least it had some potential there. I dunno, maybe the next sequel if we get one will generate all the buzz and excitement we had when the first film came out and it seemed like Ghostbusters was everywhere and all the kids wanted to be one.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: June 13th, 2022, 12:37 am 
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Just thought I'd pop in and throw in my two cents.

I totally understand how frustrated everyone in here must be, for a franchise you loved to suddenly be flipped on its head nearly 40 years after it began and after all the hard work that Fritz and co have put into this website and fanfics. I also admit that that film, even though I personally loved it, had a ton of room for improvement and I suspected that a lot of fans would be disappointed by it.

I've been in a number of fandoms that have recently been upended by reboots (Star Wars and My Little Pony come to mind), and yeah, it sucks. But at the same time I've kind of come to expect it. All I can say is unfortunately these franchises don't belong to us and their owners are allowed to do whatever the heck they want to with the characters and there's nothing we can do about it.

But personally, this doesn't change any of my headcanons or fic ideas because I can accept that my stories don't take place in the same timeline as the canon films and that's totally fine. In fact, it was Fritz's fics that inspired me to create my own, independent timeline.

I think we as a fandom should focus on the positive side of this film and its announced spinoffs. It's already doing wonders in terms of getting us new merch, and more people interested in Ghostbusters = more people interested in reading fanfics. ;) Even if the story didn't go the way we wanted it to, we can at least use the film as a springboard of interest of sorts. I already have a few new fics in the works and I intend to update The Fine Line when I can.

Tl;dr: I think Afterlife did more good then bad, despite its issues and slow burn. I'm not saying you guys have to like it, just that you should look more at the positives effects. :)

Peter x four-leaf clover is the ultimate GB ship. Fight me.

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