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PostPosted: February 2nd, 2012, 1:12 pm 
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Just some short stories about my OC as they are things I don't have to think about as much as my regular GB stuff. Probably counts as AU.



"Oh lost child thou art..."

"What?" Ava blinked, pausing with a book in hand ready to shelve. Working nights in the library was occasionally a little creepy - lights flickering for no discernible reason, loud bangs that came out of nowhere, that guy who talked back to himself in a woman's high voice - but a voice with no source was a new one on her.

She cleared her throat. "Is someone there?"

"Here, girl." Croaked the voice again.

She looked down to see the tiniest old woman she had ever laid eyes on. She only came up to around Ava's thigh and was dark skinned, almost ebony, with hair the color of honey that stuck up wildly in the back. Her clothes very nice, with hand quilted leaves and birds all over. "Can I help you?"

"Oh, my poor child...Come down closer, girl." The old woman beckoned her down, holding out an old glass coke bottle with a cork stopper in it. Something wispy swirled inside it, bottled smoke maybe.

Ava hesitated, unsure if she should go tell her manager or not, but something compelled her to do as she was told and she dropped to her knees before she could reconsider the wisdom in getting that close to someone who was obviously a little on the crazy side. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

The woman stroked her hair, but this didn't bother Ava for some reason, it just felt right. "Oh, poor, poor bird souled girl...Poor, poor thing..." The woman sniffed back gigantic tears and held out the coke bottle, uncorking it with a flourish just under Ava's nose. "This should make it all right."

That was about when Ava passed out.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

Last edited by APaleHorse on February 4th, 2012, 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: February 2nd, 2012, 1:33 pm 
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A couple months ago Ava had woken up on the library floor with her manager telling her they weren't running a homeless shelter, this wasn't a place to sleep on the floors at least use a chair, and where on earth had she gotten her page issue apron anyway.

That had been the start of it anyway. Two days later when she returned from another unsuccessful trip to work she had been greeted by her parents calling the cops to evict the stranger out of their home.

For a couple weeks she was able to sneak in to at least sleep in her own bed before her room was turned into a sitting room, and by then she'd had the sense to at least pack some of her things into a backpack.

Not long after that she had attended her own funeral. That was probably the worst, knowing she was remembered enough to have died in everyone's eyes but not remembered enough to be told she was still living.

She was alive, right?

Now, two and a half months after the very start of it, she was lurking around a firehouse hoping that maybe - maybe - she could go back to living her life as Ava. For now however, she had found a quiet place in the storeroom downstairs to at least sleep undisturbed and shuffled boxes around so it was hidden.

Blankets weren't as easy to come by as it become cooler outside, so she had finally swallowed her apprehension ans started looking into boxes for anything that would keep her body off the concrete floor.

There was one, a big sheet covering something in the corner. She hurried over and pulled it off, wrapping it around her shoulders and shivering as she retreated for her shelter.

"Who dares to wake the mighty Vigo!"

Ava shrieked and turned around to behold a painting of a man. She backed away. "Oh my God you're a painting what the hell!" Words tumbled out.

"You are a fleshbag," he sneered. "Of some fashion." He added after a moment. "You have magic attached to you. You must have come to serve me, your lord."

"I...don't think so?"

"Unfortunate. I shall have to dispose of you whence I am flesh once again!" His painted body didn't move, but Ava was certain he should have been shaking a fist.

"You...keep that in mind then..." She crept back into her box-cave. "I think I'm going to go to sleep and try to forget this ever happened."

"You cannot forget the mighty Vigo, Scourge of Carpathia -!" and so it went on for most of the night. The next day Ava made sure to steal some earplugs from the corner store down the street.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

Last edited by APaleHorse on February 8th, 2012, 12:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2012, 2:01 pm 
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Five Times Ava Met the Ghostbusters and One Person Who Remembers Her


"Hello, my name is Ava Hannah, and I have a problem..."

"Yeah? Take a number and we'll be right with you."

"Well, that won't work, you see, because as soon as I'm out of sight..."

"Listen, just take a number and take a seat, alright? The phones about to ring off the hook as it is."


"Hi, my name is Ava, can you help me?"

"Suuuure. What's the problem?"

"Well, people forget about me when I leave the room, and all my relatives think I'm dead, and no one I knew recognized me, and I don't really know why!"

"Whoa, just slow down! Why don't you let me go find someone..."

"No, wait, you'll forge-! ...Ugh."


"I'm Ava, I have a problem, and don't you dare leave the room!"

"I'm calling the cops..."


"Hi. Ava. Problem. Please help me."

"Are you on drugs?"


"Hi, I'm Ada Lovelace."

"Wait, who? Ada Lovelace is long dead."

"I'm not dead, I just have a problem."

"And you're Ada Lovelace?"

"Not really. I just have a problem. Please help me."

"Let me get some instruments, I'll be right back."

"Well damn."


"Today sucked out loud."

"I could potentially solve your problem, should you provide me a host body..."

"Wait, you remember me?"

"Spells such as these do not affect the enhanced."

"Oh my God I could kiss you right now if you weren't such an awful person."

"I shall count myself lucky for your discretion."

"It's one knows me. Not even my boyfriend remembered I was alive..."

"Were I in a proper host body, which you could provide for me if you so sought one out, I would slay him and claim you as a concubine!"

"I...Really don't know how to take that."

"Find me a host."

"Sorry, I don't make it a habit to deal with undead evil paintings."

"You are useless to me."

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2012, 8:33 pm 
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This has been really fascinating so far. Great hook to draw people into the plot; interesting use of the Vigo painting, too.


PostPosted: February 3rd, 2012, 11:13 pm 
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Not bad I like it. Can't wait for more.


Exley K. Spengler

Sometimes in my job I feel just like Janine, over worked and under paid!

PostPosted: February 4th, 2012, 1:16 am 
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Haha, writing Vigo amuses the crap out of me. :P That last entry was all written just so I could reference Ada Lovelace and write more Vigo being a jerk.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 4th, 2012, 2:28 am 
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That's actually pretty funny. Yeah, that last entry got to me. Always enjoy your work. Keep it up.



Exley K. Spengler

Sometimes in my job I feel just like Janine, over worked and under paid!

PostPosted: February 4th, 2012, 9:12 am 
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:3 Thanks.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 5th, 2012, 1:38 pm 
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The Creature from the Black Lagoon

"What's going on down here? Slimer?"

Ava glanced upwards at said spook, who was currently devouring a bowl of popcorn beside her. She'd learned to just give him his own and eat the rest. Slimer shrugged at her just as Egon entered the living room behind him.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He narrowed his eyes at her. Somehow he was still intimidating even wearing goofy pajamas.

"Watching the Creature from the Black Lagoon, eating popcorn, researching terrible things..." She eyed the vase of flowers he had surreptitiously picked up. "You better not break that, I think Janine would be mad."

He gave her a cold stare but put the vase down anyway.

"Uh." She looked at the scattered books on the coffee table. "This is a dream. You're dreaming. Go back to sleep."

"I don't dream."

"Everyone dreams, you're smart, you know that."

He scowled at her. "I don't dream dream, I'm a lucid dreamer. Who are you?"

"I'm Ava, but you'll forget about it once you leave so just...skedaddle. Go on. It's cool, I'll put them back when I'm done."

Instead he picked up a meter from the coffee table and turned it on her.

"Oh, come on, you've done that like forty times now!" Ava groaned. "Every time. I'm not dead, I'm not a demon."

"You do have an unusual reading however. Are you a subdweller?" He set the meter down, satisfied for the moment.

"I don't even know what that is. Look, I'm just going to sit here and read up on some things. I'll put the books back where I got them, you won't even know they went anywhere...And do you have something against the Dewey decimal system?"


"Dewey decimal system. Not even organized by author's last name. I mean, titles, really?"

"Subject is more important for reference."

She picked up one of the books on the table and waved it. "This one is called 'Big Bad Voodoo Curses,' since when is 'Big' important?"

He shrugged. "I just know where it is. Why are you in my home?"

"I have a problem and so far I'm the only one who can help me. Myself. Whatever. So that's what I'm doing. I'm fixing my own damn problem. Vigo keeps saying he could fix it but I think he's just saying that."

"Vigo?" He looked alarmed. "You've been talking to Vigo?"

"Well, yeah. He's not much company, but at least he remembers me."

He picked up his PKE meter again and began to launch into a lecture about evil sorcerers and how dangerous they were.

Ava sighed. This conversation or similar occurred nearly every other night. She really needed to remember to keep the volume down next time. Then again sometimes he dropped a useful hint in there somewhere. Once he even read a passage from one of the books written in Latin so she didn't have to spent another two hours painstakingly translating with a Latin dictionary. But about the sixth time she heard the same exact lecture she was beginning to find him very repetitive.

"Hey, do you ever remember talking to someone, but you never talked to anyone?" She interrupted.

"Not particularly, but you do incite a certain sense of deja vu."

"Well, that's something." She looked back at the book in her lap. "Did you know you came down here before and gave me the exact same lecture? I've heard it six times. I could recite it back to you."

"I think you should leave."

"You say that pretty often too." Ava stood and stretched, walked into the kitchen, waited a moment, and returned.

"Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Ava."

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 5th, 2012, 7:43 pm 
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Attempts at Social Bonding May Produce Less Than Satisfactory Results.
Also Long Titles.

"Well, I narrowed it down from voodoo, hoodoo, and regular old hexes." Ava slumped onto a cardboard box, scrubbing her face with her hands. "I can't think of what else it could be."

"I, Vigo, could assist with that-" Vigo began.

"If I find you a host. Yeah. I know. Why didn't you just possess me anyway?" Ava peeked through her fingers at him. She rarely looked him directly in the eye now, not since the first lecture she'd received.

"I cannot. The magic attached to you is very...peculiar. Possession requires to capture the essence and soul, your curse involves both and creates a difficulty," he lamented.

"Well at least one good thing came out of it, not that I can imagine anyone ever wanting to possess me anyway."

"It is not good. You will suffer this curse further if you do not have it manipulated by a sorcerer. Such as myself. Which I could do if-"

"You're such a broken record." Ava rolled her eyes, leaning back on the pile of boxes and studying the ceiling. "Manipulated? Why not just break it?"

"Breaking it would potentially kill you."

"Oh. Well. Okay then. I guess...patching it? Ava 1.1? Now where to find a sorcerer..."

"I have stated more than once-"

"One who isn't evil."

Vigo glowered at her. "You are bothersome. I am attempting to create a social bond with you in order to manipulate you into finding a suitable host and you are being very uncooperative."

"You really need to work on the exposition thing if you ever want that to work." Ava leaned her elbows on her knees. "You know, you're pretty honest for an evil dude."

Vigo then launched into an explanation of why he was not honest or in any way associated with anything involving honestly. Ava put her earplugs in and crawled back into her nest.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 8th, 2012, 12:22 am 
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If You Name a Thing You Take Its Power

"Today I learned that it's only direct contact that makes me forgettable. I started leaving notes everywhere...Do you think I should wear a nametag?"

Vigo left her question unanswered in sullen silence.

"I think I should wear a nametag." Ava simply answered herself. "Full name...?"

"I do not even know your name, impudent fool."

"Ava Hannah." She scrawled her name carefully on office paper with highlighters and a nearly dry Sharpie.

"That is not your true name, were it so one could gain power over you. Which has not been the case. Obviously." Vigo scowled at her. "It is no small wonder that your name has been forgotten. Ava. Short form of Avis, Latin for bird. How unbearably adorable and unique."

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you through all the dripping sarcasm." Ava held up her most recent work and put it on the pile with the others. Tonight there would be no B movies and research. She was plastering forty new notes everywhere she could possibly put them.

"Bird. Did you not say that the one who cursed you called you 'bird souled'?"

"Yeah. Weird right?"

"Very." Vigo sounded thoughtful.

"You know what I'm going to do once I'm back to normal? I'm going to a freaking restaurant and getting service without being forgotten about." Ava scratched her nose and left a black smudge there. "And then I'm going to go to my job and actually get paid. And no one will think I'm dead." She paused. "Aw man, my student loan is going to be late!"

Vigo snorted. "You could at least entertain me instead of boring me with your drivel."

"Oh man, oh man!" Ava wasn't listening, she had risen to her feet and was pacing back and forth, flailing her hands. "I'm going to be in so much trouble! Oh God what if they want me to pay it all at once!"

"Idiot girl, you twitter like some bird. These matters are not important. Were I in a body I would abolish these 'student loans.' There would be no students of any subject aside from my divine presence."

Ava was still too distracted with having a complete mental breakdown to pay attention to his very helpful speech. Apparently student loans were the straw that broke the camel's back.

"It is like speaking to walls," Vigo lamented. "Foolish little bird, making nonsense noise like some wren at a nest. Slow your noise, wren."

Ava froze for a moment, her face entirely blank. Words came very slowly through her lips. Then she shook herself and began her meaningless tirade once again as though nothing had occurred.

"Ah ha." Vigo allowed himself a smile. Perhaps the evening had not been wasted.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 8th, 2012, 12:00 pm 
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Ava grunted, carefully balanced on a swivel chair and reaching for the highest point she could possibly get to. Hopefully the tape would hold the notes overnight so the point of putting it up so high wasn't moot. Her notes tended to disappear daily, but she knew where they went at least. There was a folder on Janine's desk they went into, not the garbage, and for that she was grateful.

Climbing down she stepped back to observe her work, her shoes squeaking out a "chee-chee-chee" on the floor despite her best efforts to be quiet. Spread across several sheets of paper she had written: "My name is Ava Hannah. I am cursed or hexed or something. Everyone who sees or hears me forgets about it. I have been here for approximately three weeks. I can't talk to you directly because you will forget again. Please help me. Leave me notes, I'll write back."

Below she had taped a single sheet of paper detailing everything she had learned on her own, from a description of the person who had cursed her to what had happened after.

That would do for tonight.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 8th, 2012, 12:18 pm 
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"They're left all over, Ray. So far the only place we haven't found them is the ceiling."

Ray scratched a hand through his hair, glancing at the sparse customers browsing through the books. "And you don't recall ever seeing her?"

"There hasn't been anyone unusual around. At best we hear a soft chirping sound, like a bird and things have been moved or are missing."

"And none of the kids either. Hm...Have you had any gaps you can't explain? Things you can't remember?"

"I have found myself going to the living room to turn off the television more than once in the evenings. There's usually several books out as well, but in the morning they are put exactly where they were. I had assumed it might have been Slimer playing an annoying prank."

"Her notes said something about a little old lady, kind of wild looking, right?"


"I'm thinking either a witch, which isn't that likely...Or it could be worse. Could be something fey and God only knows that they're hard to classify. If its one of the Fair Folk her problem could be harder to fix, and it's different if it's Seelie, or Unseelie, or Sidhe, or one of any number of other sects..." Ray pressed a finger to a sentence in the volume open on the counter, rereading it. "You know what, leave her a note and ask her to try contacting you physically again. I have a hunch."

"Okay. What should we do at that point?"

"Make her write everything down and hardboil all the eggs you have. I want you to peel the shells off and leave them in a pot by the fireplace in the lab. Let me know how she reacts."

"Alright..." Egon sounded dubious.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 9th, 2012, 12:40 pm 
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Walking on Eggshells

Ava stared straight ahead, her eyes vacant and unfocused. She looked utterly ridiculous wearing a headpiece that may have once been swimwear but now looked very much like it belonged in a cheesy science fiction.

"Describe the person who cursed you again," Egon prompted, not even looking up from the screen.

"Is it supposed to look like that?" Garrett asked over his shoulder.

Egon merely waved a hand to quiet him. On the screen was the faint but distinctive shape of a bird's head overlaid with her very human features. It definitely was not supposed to do that.

"She only came up to my knees, had hair the color of honey, and skin that was black as pitch..." She paused to observe Roland walking in with a pot full of eggshells in his hands, which he left by the fireplace. "I've never seen that many eggshells by the fire in all my life," she said distractedly. "What's the deal?"

Garrett glanced at Egon for confirmation before writing it down.

"We're advocates of composting."

"Inside? Wow. That's...something."

"Continue your description, please."

"Oh, right. So her hair was kind of all over the place, swept back like this-" she gestured and ripped several wires out of the cap in the process, blacking out the screen. She froze in place. "...Oops."

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: February 13th, 2012, 12:56 pm 
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"She's a changeling. Maybe a fetch."

"A what-ling?"

"Are you both sure?"

"Reasonably so."

"What's a changeling?"

"A changeling is either a baby or elderly faerie that has replaced a human baby or a child, like a cuckoo bird. A fetch is usually a piece of wood that's made to look like the human they're replacing and it usually dies not long after the replacement. I thought all that was just to explain illnesses in children in the dark ages though."

"Correct. However, given the evidence, I would say this 'Ava' is one of those two possible creatures despite assumptions based on historic record."

"If she's a fetch she should have died off ages ago. If she's a changeling...This could be something we might not be able to handle."

"As of yet we do not know her true intentions."

"I dunno, she seems more upset than anything. I mean, this thing reads like her whole life just got flushed down the tubes."

"As I said, we do not know if that is what she feels or a trick. The Fair Folk are often too chaotic to really predict."

"They do have to tell the truth when asked a direct question though. Their answers can be misleading, or they can answer a question with a question, but they have to tell the truth. I think we should just ask directly. If we can figure out her true name we can command her to tell us everything."

"And if she is a changeling, what then?"

"Then we're just going to have to be cautious...And lucky."

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

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