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 Post subject: IDW Ghostbusters #11
PostPosted: August 1st, 2012, 5:23 pm 
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Joined: July 26th, 2007, 5:15 pm
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As part three of "Haunted America" begins, the Ghostbusters are visiting Roswell, New Mexico. Unless you've been living under a rock or the highest level of Pop Culture you reach is "Jersey Shore reruns", Roswell is the sight of the famous 1947 incident that, depending on who you listen to, either bug eyed baggy-skinned aliens or a weather balloon crashed. Either way, it started the modern era of UFO sightings and speculation. As they're scanning, federal agents Fox Mulder Jim Savage and Dana Scully Melanie Ortiz appear, and start arguing about jurisdiction and whether the readings the Ghostbusters are getting are from ghosts or aliens.

And of course Egon's skeptical about aliens. It'd be different if ET had been living in six year old Egon's closet, or Eugene Visitor had been abducted by, er, Visitors, but it's totally in character for Egon to be skeptical about an unusual phenomenon he'd never experienced firsthand. He and Savage get into a shouting match, and Venkman thinks it's cute ("Aw, look, Egon's found his own personal Peck") but not nearly as cute as Ortiz. Well, heck, she's both A) based off a character named Dana, and we know how he is about characters named Dana and B) possessed of two X chromosomes, so naturally he goes into "Wanna see my neutrona wand?" mode.

Just about then, as Ray points out, Egon and Savage could both be right: bug eyed baggy skinned green-glowing entities appear. Alien ghosts! The alien ghosts swirl around, mutter some stuff, attack Savage, and then just disappear before the Ghostbusters can blast them.


Egon and Ray throw themselves into researching the matter, and Ray calls New York and provokes another guest shot from Kylie as she investigates at the book shop. And Venkman keeps trying to score with Ortiz. Ray's getting an idea from the research, when the doctors make note of the bite marks on Savage being very...human looking.

The Ghostbusters head back out to the site, and Winston teases Venkman about striking out with Ortiz. "It was a solid bunt" he retorts.

Then Egon of all people says "Bunts are for cowards".

Man, I can only imagine Venkman's so stung by Winston's burn and gobsmacked by the sheer oblivious audacity of that coming from Egon of all people he couldn't get out the obvious "Excuse me? This from the guy who constantly went and hid in his lab every time a certain redhead offered to play with his balls?"

Anyway, turns out Ray's right and the ghosts aren't aliens--they're soldiers who were stationed in the area around the time of the original crash and couldn't let what they'd experienced there go. At that point, they become normal Class 3 ghosts and are zapped and trapped. The conclusion deftly leaves aside the question of "So what did they see that got them so worked up about it fifty or so years later?" Real alien corpses? Or just decades of listening to all the claptrap about aliens? Nicely finessed just in case something really did happen there.

Venkman has one last meeting with Ortiz at Beldar's Cafe, which is no doubt a French chain. He announced to her that he's getting away from the others for a few days or "there will be a felony". She gives him directions to Vegas. As we well know having read the previous two issues, he's about to have his own little adventure...

So we catch up with Venkman on that little adventure, the third part of "Who Killed Laura Parr?", and he's scanning around with the PKE Meter as Laura Parr watches. She's either been also living under a rock or been dead for the last ten years because she has no idea who Venkman is or what he's talking about, and he takes it kind of personally. I mean, he was on TV and everything! Remember "World of the Psychic"?

Uh oh..he's getting a new reading. Death Truck shows up and starts chasing the ECTO-1. Venkman tries to shoot it with his proton pack, but Death Truck isn't buying that any more than Ortiz did his pick-up lines. As the chapter ends, he's getting a new idea as he spots a Slime Blower in the back of the car.

See you next month, for the conclusion of "Haunted America" and "Who Killed Laura Parr?".


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