...That is, literal dreams. It was hard to think of a subject line that was honest, but wouldn't put people off even clicking. It's a well known fact that no one really wants to know about other people's dreams. But I
am being selective, of course. Since all the reboots and YouTube uploads and fans crawling out of the woodwork and whatnot, I have dreamed more than once that Jake (my brother) and I are watching a new, official season of EGB. Here are the details that I remember:
- Eduardo discovers a gas leak in his apartment, and tries to deal with the problem using some kind of flamethrower. This makes me very indignant.
- Eduardo and Garrett, for some reason, take a bath together. I don't recall my emotional reaction.
- Eduardo is revealed to be a space alien, and there has been a spacecraft accessible from his apartment the whole time. When Kylie finds out, he opens up to her about it. Jake and I want to be pleased with the interaction between them, but can't come to terms with how the writers have gone about it.
- Now then, Fritz, I hope you will forgive me for this last one, for I have dreamed about this forum too! This concerns a season 2 from 1998 or so, which we had previously written off as being no good but are now revisiting. Eduardo and Kylie are running a store together (the inspiration there clearly came from IDW). Roland and Garrett have been replaced, with a guy called Wilson and a girl whose name neither of us can remember. Jake says to me, "Wasn't it Phoebe?", to which I reply, "Oh, I hope not! If it is, Fritz will want to amalgamate her with the character in
Afterlife!" This, apparently, is what I think of you.

Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' -
Rino Romano
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