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 Post subject: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: March 22nd, 2015, 8:43 am 
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Link to all episodes and blurbs.

Well, it's getting towards the end of March, so why not kick things off with a Christmas special?

Episode 1: Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree, by me.

Kylie's father is in town for Christmas. So is an angry spirit out for revenge on all who condone the practice of cutting down, selling and buying trees for the festive season. Both are on a mission, one to ruin Christmas and one to make it perfect, and between them they make it very difficult for Kylie to find her holiday spirit.

Coming soon:
Episode 2: Baking Brownies, by Jake.

Thanks for reading! :D

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: March 23rd, 2015, 7:20 pm 
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Lol..after all this time it still feels kinda weird (in a good way, though) to be reading one of your stories "cold'--meaning at the same time it gets out into the wild for everybody else.

It really could have been an EGB "Christmas Special"; uses the season without a lot of saccharine cliche's or goes the route of both official Ghostbusters Christmas stories and rips off Dickens.

I guess since I feel like I know Steve Griffin already from the GBOT version, no real surprises for me there, except maybe him being initially mistrustful of Egon. Made a lot of sense.

I admit I've sometimes slagged EGB's no doubt kid-friendly-intended tendency to have all of the monster of the day's victims be magically restored to "normal" at the end, but it works here. Because of the seasonal themes, maybe...but more, because it does, indeed make it feel more like the novelization of a lost TV script.

Looking forward to seeing Jake's story next time.


 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: March 25th, 2015, 6:06 pm 
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Thanks as always for your comments, Fritz. I'm sure you can appreciate that it's simplest just for Jake and me to beta read each other for this project - we have our system!

Readers must indeed be prepared for kid-friendly stories this time, as the aim is for it to feel as much like the show as possible. That means no actual deaths, plenty more 'heck' and 'gosh' to come and no more sex than was actually in the series (which does still give us a little bit of scope). I say kid-friendly but, as Fritz says, that was the intention rather than the fact (in my experience, kids are fine with death in fiction) - so I shall settle on the term, network-friendly homage. ;)

Whilst this is independent of anything else I've done, I saw no reason to change my basic ideas about parents etc. unless I wasn't happy with them, but with Steve Griffin I was and am. I just tried to introduce or, for some, reintroduce him here in ways that I could imagine an EGB episode doing. His reaction to Egon felt right when thinking of Kylie with Leonard in 'Till Death Do Us Start', which I hadn't seen when I first came up with the character.

I'm looking forward to Jake's story too! I only know the basic premise for each of his episodes, so there's an extra element of excitement in this for me. We spent a few minutes putting our ideas in the best order for release, so we wouldn't necessarily alternate, and I think that after this we're doing chunks of two stories each up to and including episode 12 (mine). I've told Jake he can expect comments from you if no one else, Fritz, so you're on the spot there! ;)

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: April 1st, 2015, 6:10 am 
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Episode 2: Baking Brownies, by Jake.

Houses are getting trashed all over New York, and the Ghostbusters are called to investigate. The solution is unexpected and unfathomable: a particular kind of home help, not doing what it ought to be - or at least, not for long!

Coming soon:
Episode 3: Your Fate Is Sealed, by me.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: April 4th, 2015, 10:12 am 
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A lot of fun. Some comedic high-jinx, use of some established tech to talk to the Brownies, and a funny ending that could kinda be seen a mile away, but was still great.

So why did Chris Hansen get the assignment to interview Egon? Surely NBC doesn't think he's a pedophile. (Yeah, I know, he may not have had that gig in 1998. 'Course I probably would have had an established Ghostbusters universe reporter like Sandy Van Sanders or Julio Ramanajaan do the interview, but I digress)

Looking forward to the next one.


 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: April 4th, 2015, 6:49 pm 
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Thanks for your comments, Fritz. Jake seemed happy with them! :D We decided on something light and fun for episode two, after the more character-driven first episode, and the ending is certainly successful as a classic cartoony, Ghostbusters finish. That's exactly what he was going for.

I asked Jake, and he confirms what I thought: he thought Chris Hansen would just be funny, possibly (well, almost definitely) influenced by South Park. :lol: He also tells me that he did his research, and Chris Hansen did regular Dateline interviews in '98 (yeah, no To Catch a Predator yet!), so that's okay. 8-)

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: April 14th, 2015, 12:03 pm 
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Episode 3: Your Fate Is Sealed, by me.

A mysterious woman appears from the ocean and becomes a reluctant companion to a land dwelling man. When the Ghostbusters investigate the chaos she leaves in her wake, Roland thinks he knows just what the problem is, and how to solve it.

Coming soon:
Episode 4: Mother's Nature, also by me.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: April 20th, 2015, 9:40 am 
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I want to apologize for taking so long to comment.

Another great story. I admit, I knew all about Selkies so for me at least it was a little less "What's going on here?" and more "How's this gonna go down?" So I loved the pun name of the story, and "Lucille". Ogre, who throws out bad puns frequently, approves.

Love the meta touch of the Ghostbusters suggesting "Well, maybe when we catch the ghost, all the damage it did will be fixed like all the other times" (and ultimately, it was right) :lol:

Looking forward to the next one.


 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 11th, 2015, 11:52 am 
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This is a little late, Fritz, but as always thank you for your comments. I, too, was rather chuffed with my seal puns. 8-)

I thought we could all do with a little break from the fan season (and anyway I've been getting students ready for their exams), but work on 'Mother's Nature' has now begun (and I seem to have lately published the website with the blurb already up, so check it out if you want a teaser!).

Jake tells me he's going to write 'Cat Burglar' during half term, which is the final week in May.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 26th, 2015, 8:38 am 
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Episode 4: Mother's Nature, by me.

A terrifying demon appears at Grand Central Station and starts making off with children. Mayor McShane attempts to reassure an anxious public, and may once again have to put aside his personal feelings about the Ghostbusters. This time, however, his assistant Jensen is watching the team's every move.

Coming (very) soon:
Episode 5: Cat Burglar, by Jake.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 26th, 2015, 8:30 pm 
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EGBFan wrote:
Episode 4: Mother's Nature, by me.

A terrifying demon appears at Grand Central Station and starts making off with children. Mayor McShane attempts to reassure an anxious public, and may once again have to put aside his personal feelings about the Ghostbusters. This time, however, his assistant Jensen is watching the team's every move.

Coming (very) soon:
Episode 5: Cat Burglar, by Jake.

Another good one. The plot twist with the Mayoral aide (I won't say more to prevent spoilers) certainly took it in an unexpected direction.

Loved the bit where Garrett got Kylie to calm down fast by referring to her growing panic as "pulling an Eduardo" :lol:

Good grief, and you even humanized Edwin McShane. Just a little.


 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 28th, 2015, 7:37 am 
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Gosh, that was fast. Thanks for your comments, Fritz. And hey, aren't I a serial humaniser? ;)

'Cat Burglar' is now in the checking/uploading stages. I expect to release it on Sunday. Then there will probably be a bit of a wait for the next one.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 28th, 2015, 10:20 am 
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EGBFan wrote:
Gosh, that was fast.

Lol...not a phrase I hear very much anymore...


 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: May 31st, 2015, 7:42 am 
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Episode 5: Cat Burglar, by Jake.

A mummy has disappeared from the Metropolitan Museum, and Pagan is in for a procedure at the vet's. When the Ghostbusters investigate the missing mummy, Kylie begins to worry that the two events are connected.

Coming soon(ish):
Episode 6: Proof Positive, also by Jake.

'Extreme Ghostbusters was the best-written show, because it wasn't just about the ghostbusting, it was about the characters.' - Rino Romano

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 Post subject: Re: EGB Fan Season
PostPosted: June 4th, 2015, 12:57 pm 
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EGBFan wrote:
Episode 5: Cat Burglar, by Jake.

A mummy has disappeared from the Metropolitan Museum, and Pagan is in for a procedure at the vet's. When the Ghostbusters investigate the missing mummy, Kylie begins to worry that the two events are connected.

A star turn for Pagan? How can I not like this?

"Carter Howard"--nice little reference for the history buffs.

And the running gag of the Ankh puns...I was getting Ankh-ious to see if Eduardo would get the better of Garrett in the end. Dammit, now I'm doing it.


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