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PostPosted: August 28th, 2007, 11:23 am 
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We had a thread like this on the old board, so I'm bringing it back cause I think it's a good idea.

The stuff on my plate as of 8/28/07:

Pandora's Box, Part Four
Timeline Year Eight
Status: In Progress
This will probably be the final part of the story, probably about half done.

Ghostbusters Nightsquad: Aftermath
Timeline Year Twenty-One
Collaborative effort with Bo Holbrook
Status: In Progress, Close to Completion
This is the sequel to "All Hell Breaks Loose", and shows Nightsquad rebuilding after Ernie and Shade's death. Resolves the subplot about Jen's departure, and some of the other mysteries of Nightsquad's ever-shifting continuity.

Chronicles of Gozer, Book Six
Timeline Year Twenty-Two
Status: In Progress
Slowly, I keep adding pieces to this thing. I know it's not going to be worth the wait, I just want to get it done to fill that gaping hole in our continuity. But I can't bring myself to force it out, either, just to get it done.

Ghostbusters West Coast: Flip Side War
Timeline Year Twenty-Five
Status: Not started
Will be a sequel to both "Pandora's Box" and last year's "Flipped Out". I've been waiting to work on it until I get the former story finished. There may be one more GBWC short story before this one; I have a couple of ideas, and some stuff written, but haven't really finalized any of it yet.

Ghostbusters 2021 (Untitled Origin Story)
Timeline Year Thirty-Nine
Status: Outlined
The origin of the future team seen in stories such as "Future Shocks", "Separated At Rebirth", and "Gemini Rising". I've outlined a plot based on a very old story I ran in a GBI campaign about 1989 that looks to work quite well for this story.

Ghostbusters 2025: Gemini Ascendant
Timeline Year Forty-Three (Very Tentative)
Status: Don't Hold Your Breath Too Hard
I will do this story some day, resolving some of the dangling plot points of "Gemini Rising", but I won't even seriously consider it until everything else on this list is done first.

Digibusters, Part Five
Status: In Progress
Will be the concluding chapter of this goofball story. About 3/4 finished.


PostPosted: August 29th, 2007, 7:06 pm 
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Apocrypha: Digibusters, Part Five
Status: Done
After four years (I first started writing this in early 2003, two years before I posted it online) this story is finally finished. The final chapter will be uploaded on Monday, September 3rd (since it's an Apocrypha, it won't be sent out for beta reading)


PostPosted: August 30th, 2007, 6:07 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

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You moved the board and I find I can't think of a thing to say...

I guess I'll start with the fact that I am glad to see this topic back up and that you have a lot of interesting stories in the works.

Just to update everyone on what I am doing with the timeline...not much. I seem to have had writers block for about six months now, it is very frustrating, but I am trying to keep from stealing from accomplished writers as this seems to be my only insiration as of late.


Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: August 31st, 2007, 10:47 pm 
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I can't wait for Flip Side War...

Too Much Horror Business!

PostPosted: September 10th, 2007, 8:58 pm 
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Ghostbusters Nightsquad: Aftermath
Collaboration with Bo Holbrook
Status: Being Beta read
This story is done, but there are some issues still to be worked out. I've very tentatively set it for release Monday, September 17th, but that is highly subject to change.


PostPosted: October 1st, 2007, 6:59 pm 
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Ghostbusters: Pandora's Box, Part Four
Status: Done

Will, indeed, be the conclusion of the story we waited fifteen years to see finished.

Ogre hasn't read it yet--I hope to get him to do so and send it to my beta readers by Wednesday at the latest. Planned release is Monday, October 8th.

Ghostbusters West Coast: Nights Of Blood
Status: In Progress
Timeline: August 2007, Year Twenty-Five

This will be more of a psychological story, moving ahead some of the ongoing subplots before "Flip Side War"

Flip Side War
Status: In Progress (Barely)
Timeline: September 2007, Year Twenty-Five

I may end up moving it to October, though, and have it involve Halloween like last year's Flip Side story. Anyway, this is where some of the ideas of "Flipped Out" and "Pandora's Box" come out and play together. Will either appear under a GBWC or possibly a GBI masthead.


PostPosted: October 2nd, 2007, 12:48 am 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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looking foreword to it all



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: October 31st, 2007, 12:48 pm 
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Ghostbusters West Coast: Nights Of Blood
Status: Done
Timeline: August 2007, Year Twenty-Five

This will be more of a psychological story, moving ahead some of the ongoing subplots before "Flip Side War" I should be sending the beta url out this afternoon for a planned release on Monday, November 12th.

Other stuff:

Unnamed story centered on Ray Stantz. It would be a character piece taking place before the movies.

Ghostbusters West Coast: Flip Side War
Status: Plot outlines written
Takes place September 2007
I've pretty much set it down in that time frame to take advantage of a few other events already set in that time frame. It might be a pretty big story, and at this moment I'm not sure whether I want to tackle it too quickly or wait until after the Holidays

Chronicles of Gozer Book Six
I've been going through some kind of Ars Magica/World of Darkness "kick" the last few weeks, and wrote some stuff for this taking advantage of that. May not make it in the final version, though, for fear of overburdoning things.

I'm pretty much up to the actual "action movie" part, where all the crap starts being thrown down. That's always the toughest part for me. (sigh)...and I remember when I thought the "action movie part" was going to be someone else's problem. :roll:

Anyway, I think I will try harder to get this done. There's a milestone or two coming up that it would be cool to have this done and ready for.


PostPosted: December 9th, 2007, 4:55 pm 
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Ghostbusters: For The Best
Timeline: 1980
Status: Done

Will be sent to the Beta readers tomorrow, planned release is December 17, 2007. Chances are, it will be my last story this year.

Chronicles of Gozer Book Six
Timeline Year 22--2004
Status: In Progress

I sent out Working Draft #2 to some of the principles a couple weeks ago; Vincent gave me some good comments and feedback. I've worked on it even further since then--I think it's finally starting to fall together in my head, and this time when I say it will be a priority soon I really mean it. For one thing, there's a couple of personal milestones coming that this would be great to fit this into. And of course, I'd like to get our Gozer sequel done before that one in video game form comes out... :P


PostPosted: December 9th, 2007, 11:23 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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will you be tacking a brake after cog



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 2:45 pm 
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I hope not.

PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 6:59 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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well I just meant a little one before you get to all the other stuff you wont to do



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: March 28th, 2008, 8:30 pm 
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I hope this doesn't caus too much premature exuberance, but here we go:

Chronicles of Gozer, Book Six
Timeline: June 8, 2004
Status: Mostly Done

My part of it, barring an unforseen setback, is finished. There are two more scenes that need to be done, but someone else will be doing them. There may be other optional scenes other writers may add--but those are not necessary.

But I've been promising for a long time that this story will be finished--and the end is in sight. Heh. We'll beat Sebastien Clavet's hardcover after all, it looks like. :lol:

Ghostbusters West Coast: Flip Side War
Timeline: September, 2007
Status: Started

This will probably be the next story finished. However, I will not release anything until Gozer is out: as I think I mentioned previously, I've done 99 stories thus far, and want Gozer to be the magic #100.

Ghostbusters 2021: The Eye Of Aretpo
Timeline: June 2021
Status: In Progress

I did a couple scenes of this one when I was burnt out on Gozer. Back around Christmas I dug out some of the old, lame fan comics I did when I was in high school, and I realized that one story actually would work very well if adapted and updated, to become the origin story of the future Ghostbusters. Just how did John, Eden, and Eric become part of their fathers' company? How did Marie Lupin become involved with this? And how did an English cop end up with GBNY instead of say the GBUK? All will be answered here.

I once again thank everyone for their patience, and hope that the wait will be at least close to worth it.



PostPosted: March 29th, 2008, 7:22 am 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Can't wait, especially to see Gozer finished! :mrgreen:


PostPosted: March 29th, 2008, 8:04 pm 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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I wonder what'll happen to Mary Sue Gladstone. As far as we know, she's been unconcious in the Firehouse. I hope Janine will slap the crap out of her.

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