
Fanfiction Ideas
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Author:  Ectoplasmic Cat [ February 8th, 2023, 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Fanfiction Ideas

Here are some ideas I had. If anyone wants to write them, go right ahead.

1. Meow or Never -- Ray really wants a cat, and he tries to convince the rest to let him adopt one.

2. Get Well Now -- Feeling guilty about giving Peter, Ray, Winston, and Slimer his cold (during "Ghostworld"), Egon tries to invent something to cure them.

3. Weather or Not -- The Ghostbusters take on a demon with weather-related superpowers.

4. Now's Not the Slime -- Dana is coming to visit the firehouse, but Peter is worried Slimer will embarrass him in front of her.

5. No Joking Matter -- The Ghostbusters take on a ghost who seeks to remove all humour from New York.

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