
Amusing speculation on the first movie
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Author:  Terrace [ December 19th, 2019, 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Amusing speculation on the first movie

Since the original team visited Hollywood when the live action movie was being made (the episode "Take Two"), what sort of shenanigans might have happened on set as the team tried to consult?

- At one point, the real Proton Packs got switched with a set of props. Assuming the actors didn't catch on immediately due to the increased weight, how much of the scenery did the actors accidentally wreck when they went through the motions of "firing" and got real proton streams?

- Did Bill Murray get slimed by the real Slimer, who tagged along with the Ghostbusters?

- Did Peter try to trick Slimer into getting shoved into a real trap by Murray and Ramis while filming the Ballroom Scene?

- Hell, what kind of disruptions would Slimer being there cause in general?

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