
Tales From the Ectozone: Coda And Terchi
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Author:  Fritz [ August 13th, 2019, 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Tales From the Ectozone: Coda And Terchi

Tales From The Ectozone: Coda And Terchi
March 21, 1998--Timeline Year Sixteen
After five and a half years of tension between them, it seems that something is about to change for Coda Monkeyfang and Terchi Bagwise. But will it be for good or ill?

This follows up on Tales From the Ectozone: Kyrie Was Here and immediately follows the events of Extreme Ghostbusters: Coda and Terchi's Extreme Adventure, and brings the story of breakout supporting characters (well, at least one of my readers is enthused about them anyway) Coda Monkeyfang and Terchi Bagwise to a resolution, of sorts.

After that, some stories with actual Ghostbusters characters in them, I promise.

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