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PostPosted: September 11th, 2007, 1:32 pm 
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Ghostbusters West Coast: Love Sucks

2004--Timeline Year 22
A day at the beach turns out to not be a day at the beach for Robert Griffiths, who finds himself wrapped in the machinations of a woman named Isabel. And her intentions may not be good..

This story, by far, was the raciest thing I've ever put out, with lots of innuendo, outright descriptions of characters as naked, and an intense scene toward the end that (had Isabell's plans not been derailed) probably would've resulted in a rape. I even did a fairly racy picture for Isabel's TOBIN page

But because Egon Spengler wasn't in it, I didn't hear a peep about any of that. :roll: :P


PostPosted: December 1st, 2010, 3:51 am 
Extreme Ghostbuster
Extreme Ghostbuster
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Ghostbusters West Coast: Love Sucks

2004--Timeline Year 22
A day at the beach turns out to not be a day at the beach for Robert Griffiths, who finds himself wrapped in the machinations of a woman named Isabel. And her intentions may not be good..

This story, by far, was the raciest thing I've ever put out, with lots of innuendo, outright descriptions of characters as naked, and an intense scene toward the end that (had Isabell's plans not been derailed) probably would've resulted in a rape. I even did a fairly racy picture for Isabel's TOBIN page

But because Egon Spengler wasn't in it, I didn't hear a peep about any of that. :roll: :P
Actually could have been a RGB story just as well, with Ray probably the victim. It's the way I visualized it to myself when reading (again complete with soundtrack), though the idea of Peter and Winston being mind-controlled into trying to rape Janine would have been... pretty unsettling.

Actually this was the first GBWC story I read (picked it at random, and boy...) and it helped me to understand the team and get used to the idea of this entirely new franchise.

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